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Key Aquarian Terms

Unity, Harmony, Humanitarianism, Freedom, Truth, Community, Revolution,

Science, Creativity, Invention, Communication, Higher Mind, Free Energy

Contemporary Events That Show The Transition

From Pisces to Aquarius

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Cultural Events From 1962 To the Near Present

Personal Development

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The 1960s was the seed period when the energy shifted catalytically and opened the way for the radical changes in consciousness we’ve been experiencing since. The health and wellness movement, including Yoga, meditation, and Daoist studies such as Tai Chi and Acupuncture, and the beginning of widespread use of hallucinogens and cannabis to expand awareness, are some of the important developments from this time period. Also important to note is the presence of the enlightened leader Martin Luther King, who, like Gandhi, united his people in a peaceful, non-political movement to recognize their inherent sovereignty, a key component of the Aquarian Age.

In 1962, biologist Rachel Carson, the mother of Environmentalism, published Silent Spring, initiating our ‘Back to Nature’ movement which grounded many concepts that had little chance to take hold before the 60's, and pointed a scrutinizing finger at industrial capitalists who were knowingly poisoning everyone and everything around them with toxic chemicals.

The rebellious Beatnik ‘Beat Generation’ movement of the 1950s turned suddenly into the ‘Love Is All You Need’ Hippie Peace Movement of the Sixties, where the focus shifted to peace and global-centrism. War thinking, the product of duality consciousness, began to be substituted for Unity consciousness, the essential characteristic of the Aquarian Age.

TV, Movies, and the Internet Expand Our Imagination's Potential


Early sixties: TV shifts from black and white to Living Color.

In 1966, Star Trek was born, and we took off to connect with other civilizations all over the galaxy. The TV series, which morphed into Star Trek: The Next Generation and many movies thus derived, captured the imagination of everyone, everywhere for three generations.

In the early 70's VCR's made it possible to watch movies at home anytime and record TV shows paving the way for Hollywood to build their star status and have a presence in everyone's heart and home.

In 1975 HBO (Home Box Office) became the first American network to deliver its programming by satellite, and thus became the first national cable channel, giving risk-taking entertainers like George Carlin more freedom to express themselves without censorship.

In 1977, the release of the phenomenal Star Wars movie catapulted the career of George Lucas and his studios' genius, and changed Pop culture forever with its feast of special effects that introduced an era of unbelievable visual and emotional experiences in the movies.

The CNN Cable News network was created in 1980 by Ted Turner.

1989 saw the birth of the world wide web, making everyone part of the greater community, and allowing the sharing of information previously available only through much slower and more laborious means such as books, TV and radio shows, and lectures. Now, hard-to-find information and experiences are within hands’-reach, including an enormous volume of suppressed information detailing the globalist agenda to dominate the planet, an endeavor which had been prospering secretly, but potently, for over a century already.

Since then, innumerable ‘truth venues’ have been born, producing thousands of documentaries educating us about the real history of the United States and the world. One of the best of the recent docs, Out of Shadows, cleverly charts the interest and influence that the CIA has had in Hollywood for decades:

The motion picture is one of the most powerful propaganda weapons ... using motion pictures to alter the thinking of Americans in the US...

... the CIA is funneling information into Hollywood and Hollywood is putting that out into the movies and the population believes it ...

There is an agenda in every movie. I realized that it was more of a machine ...

The CIA groomed and recruited Ian Fleming and the CIA actually helped Fleming write his books and paint the CIA in a favorable light.

Careful historical analysis proves it to be true that shaping public opinion for private agendas started over a hundred years ago with the father of human relations, Edward Bernays, who worked with the Rockefeller family to manipulate public thinking and ‘manufacture consent’. This subject is very well-worth the effort of detailed study to understand the psychological manipulation tactics of government propaganda that have distorted human life for over a hundred years.

PCs and Mobile Phones


In the mid-70's Apple and Microsoft got their starts. The decade saw many notable inventions and developments especially in the areas of the personal computer. This got everyone worldwide one big step closer to the availability of the Internet in 1989 which proved to be one of the greatest vehicles of change. Artificial Intelligence (AI) crept in, ultimately hooking the masses on social media and entertainment and a brand-new work venue.

1973 saw the invention of the first cell phone by Motorola. The first smartphone and touchscreen phone was introduced in 1994, and the 3G network of modern phones was launched 1998. It is interesting to note that since that time when electro-magnetic radiation was brought closer to home, the sperm count in men in the United States has gone down by 50%.

With the personal computer came the first video games that started with the Atari console which was upgraded to Intellivision, and this changed how we used our leisure time. YouTube first launched in 2005 and became one of the most visited websites in the history of the internet. It revolutionized access to information and things exploded from there into an Information Age. The Netflix documentary Social Dilemma gives great insights into the major tech platforms that have captivated and captured countless people's spare time worldwide.


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Music has played a pivotal role in bringing us into the New Age. In 1962 the Beatles and the Beach Boys made their first albums, kicking off the music revolution. In the 60's music evolved from Pop, Country, Folk, and Blues to become the mouthpiece for the counterculture. Many musicians like Bob Dylan with Masters of War, Barry McGuire with Eve of Destruction, Donovan with Universal Soldier, Edward Star with War, and John Lennon with Give Peace a Chance, came out with songs in protest of the Vietnam War and war in general.

Musicians at the Woodstock Festival in 1969 featured anti-war protest songs from albums that became what we know today as "classic rock". We got a good whiff of censorship when many of the anti-establishment songs were banned from mainstream radio stations and found an audience on "alternative" FM radio.

In a truly cosmically-inspired move, two songs written in 1967 for the Broadway play Hair are paired by the group The Fifth Dimension (imagine that!) in 1969 as Aquarius/Let The Sun Shine In. Number 1 for six weeks, it was featured on their album The Age Of Aquarius. Carried by the beautiful, crystalline voices of its singers, this powerful work is the theme song of the new age. Could this song come from any other era?

War's destructive results were exposed by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young's Ohio, a protest song in response to the infamous Kent State shootings on May 4, 1970. The youth rebellion of the late 1960's spurred students at Kent State University in Ohio to protest the bombing of Cambodia during the highly controversial Vietnam War. The National Guard was called and irrationally opened fire on the students, killing four and injuring nine. Songs of the time made a powerful statement when played or chanted by protesters at marches and rallies.

In August 1981 the TV Cable companies made it possible for musicians to expand their influence with the introduction of Music Television. Hip-Hop and Punk musicians targeted the ‘powers-that-be’ in the 80's with their angry lyrics and ‘vib’ rather than taking action to make a change.

The 1990’s saw the introduction of new music genres, some of them quite reactionary rather than creative and constructive: Alternative, anti-Pop Punk, Rap, and Grunge Rock. In 2003 Apple Computers launched their online music store and this marked the beginning of so many possibilities for marketing music.

Music from the 1960' and 70's, which was about love, peace, and happiness, continues its popularity today. It offsets the surge of heavy music, that deals with the hurt and pain of the Earth that we began feeling in the early 2000's. As in all aspects of our lives, music is bringing up from the old ages that which needs to be collectively healed.

Contemporary Political Events

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November 22, 1963: John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, was murdered by the cabal, specifically through the CIA, signaling the end of any remaining truthful, people-friendly politics, and the beginning of the drive by the Deep State to completely take over. In fact, this meant the beginning of their end because their increasingly evil actions began to be brought to light. JFK was killed because he was planning to bring back the original Constitution and a gold-backed currency to replace the fiat money invented by the Fed. The Federal Reserve is not a government agency, but a privately owned corporation, a criminal banking cartel. In 1913 the cartel illegally usurped the U.S. monetary system and instituted their own currency, not backed by any commodity, giving themselves free reign to print ‘money’ at will. For a complete understanding of this, read G. Edward Griffin's classic book on the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank (which is not federal, has no reserves, and is not a bank), The Creature From Jekyll Island.

The 1960s saw a major movement in civil rights promoting freedom and equality for blacks and women. Martin Luther King Jr. rose up against injustice and lost his life to the cause in April, 1968.

America landed on the moon in 1969 to the amazement of those who sat watching from their TV sets, and in 1973 America's first space station, Skylab, was launched.

In 1970 Canada's Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoked the only peacetime use of the War Measures Act and imposed martial law in Canada in response to a hostage crises with members of the FLQ (Front de libération du Quebec). This spurred the formation of new civil liberties and human rights groups across Canada including the Canadian Federation of Civil Liberties and Human Rights Associations.

In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court made abortion legal in a landmark decision for women's freedom of choice, the same year the US pulled its troops out of Vietnam, and President Agnew resigned in the wake of a scandal which was the first of many of its kind.

This period exposed a corrupt shadow government to a stunned U.S. nation as the Watergate event, that began with the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate complex in June 1972, ended with the resignation of President Nixon in 1974 to avoid impeachment. Watergate raised several unprecedented constitutional questions such as, “Can a sitting President be indicted for a crime?”

Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese in 1975 resulting in North and South Vietnam reuniting as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976. Two years later Egypt and Israel ended a 31 year war with the signing of a historic agreement in Washington, DC to establish diplomatic relations.

In 1982, in the Pierre Elliott Trudeau years, the Constitution Act of Canada allowed the country to change its Constitution without approval from Britain.

In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell and Germany was reunited in 1990 after 45 years of separation. As well, in the same year, Lech Walesa became the first freely elected President of Poland when the country transitioned from communism. In 1991 South Africa repealed its apartheid laws and shortly thereafter Nelsen Mandela was freed from prison and went on to be elected President of South Africa in 1994. The Cold War, which began in 1947, ended in 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union when Mikhail Gorbachev resigned and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dissolved.

Corruption in the U.S. was further exposed by the impeachment proceedings of President Bill Clinton in December 1998, based on accusations that he committed perjury and obstruction of justice to conceal his affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 22-year-old White House intern. Clinton was handily acquitted by the Senate and completed his second term in office. This historical event showed a great many people who now had access to the internet and scads of secret information just how corrupt America had become, as Bill Clinton, by that time, was widely known to have been a big-time drug dealer before his presidency when he was governor of Arkansas.


On September 11, 2001 people at the highest level of the US government, in collusion with foreign agents, masterminded the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City and part of the Pentagon killing over 3,000 people.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik, psychiatrist, intelligence officer, and inside man in high-level political advisory for over forty years: “There is no question, this was an inside job ... the CIA, our Intelligence Service, all the way from the CIA, Gina Haspell, to all the others who were involved, they were all compromised and were involved. I know Bush Jr. was involved ... the CFR was compromised; you had the United States Government compromised; our military intelligence; our civilian intelligence; our Department of Justice was compromised; the White House was compromised; and the House of Representatives and Senate; anything else left? ... Under no conditions was this Islamic terrorism.”

And After That…

The world was turned upside down every other day as America and the rest of humanity faced events and pressures it was unprepared for and that were all generated from the maneuvers of dark elements in society who were struggling to hold on to their control over finances and freedom. The market crashes that have taken place and the artificially-produced medical scares such as ‘Covid 19’ are all the products of the deep state globalist cabal. The turning point of 1998, the moment when we crossed the threshold into the Aquarian Age, forced to the surface the dark dealings which had mostly been successfully covered up for decades. The cognitive dissonance and resistance of the people to see the truth about what has been going on is what has held back the complete release of humanity from the dark spell it has been under. But it is only a matter of a little more time before that is no longer possible, and new people everyday are waking up to the truth about their reality and wanting a new way. As the spiritual energies on the planet continue to grow, it will be easier for more people to grasp the situation and say ‘yes’ to a higher form of living, a higher vibration - the vibration that the Aquarian Age is here to deliver to us.