The Best is Yet to Come
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Welcome To Your Future ...

The purpose of this site is to explain the historical and astrological time frame we are in and to offer you a universe of resource venues to expand your awareness and prepare you for the changes that are about to come.

Humanity is in a rebirth, and a new world is replacing an old one that is dissolving. This site is here to inspire and educate those who are ready to enter and co-create this new world, a new Earth. It offers an opportunity to leave the official narrative, see things as they really are, in a big perspective, and to celebrate this grand celestial event.

Chronicler of stand-out current events and resource center for truth and freedom venues, Bestisyet is an educational bridge from old paradigm to new.

Featuring highly selective, prime news events and exciting educational videos and articles which illustrate the movement of humanity's consciousness forward, Bestisyet is not a news site detailing every dramatic event. It is an over-seer, giving the reader a clear picture of the greater flow of things. The site timelines humanity's missteps, baby steps, failures, triumphs, and milestones, the overall effect of which is to be inspired about our future.

The first step is read The New Great Year below, which gives you a detailed explanation of what is happening so you can see things in context.

Next, you can visit Events, which chronicles some of the significant events from 1962 to 2017 that explain the time frame we're in so you can get an appreciation of the 72-year transit, explained below, that is bringing us into the Age of Aquarius. This section also offers links for the 2017 to 2022 events. Milestones includes events that are meaningful for our times. Then, Timeline offers some key latest events and detailed event information for this year and the last five years. Go to Resources for sites of people we trust who are doing great work.

The New Great Year ...

We are deep into a profoundly important, 72 year-long, astrologically-based transitional period that began in 1962 and ends in 2034, that bridges the Piscean Age into the Age of Aquarius. It takes that long to ‘threshold’, because each astrological age is 2160 years long, and twelve of them through the entire zodiac lasts a whopping 25,920 years - a ‘precessional cycle’ - a ’Great Year’. The Age of Aquarius and A New Great Year Began in 1998 simultaneously, starting an entirely new 26,000 year cycle, and we are moving into a higher, fuller, more fulfilling dimension of experience now.

Experientially, this transition dissolves the remaining old influences that have kept Earth and humanity entangled in the memories of previous cycles of existence - not just the Piscean Age, which opened in 162 B.C. and closed in 1998, but all twelve ages now ended as a whole. Humanity's experiences as a group over that entire time are being released into the Universal vacuum so we can move on. Now, we get to take a deep breath, and let it all go. So in the grander scheme of things, in this ‘Turning of the Ages’, any duality-based conversation - one person, one political party, or one country against another - is obsolete, and becomes a conversation about the old breaking down and the new being born, as the new age is not competition-based, but cooperation-based.

The following is a short historical account of some of the significant transitional events that characterize our entrance into the Age of Aquarius, when deception is replaced by truth, fear by trust, oppression by freedom, and disharmony by cooperation. Our new age is primarily characterized by a unity and harmony among all peoples and with Heaven and Earth. Let it inspire you to see past events freshly, to celebrate this grand celestial event. The Best is Yet to ComeContinue to Events page

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