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Milestones 2023

Mass Formation Psychosis – Psychologist Mattias Desmet and Tucker Carlson

Going far beyond the importance of this information as regarding the Covid fiction, clinical psychologist and professor Mattias Desmet brilliantly explains to Tucker Carlson how a people can be frightened by an idea coming from authorities that triggers their “floating anxiety” and forces them to give up their ability to think for themselves.

 “…when people are in the grip of mass formation psychosis they seem to lose all awareness of their individual interests. They are prepared to radically self-sacrifice. ..People in a mass formation become radically intolerant for dissonant voices, and in the ultimate stage of the mass formation they will typically start to destroy everyone who doesn’t go along with the masses, and they will do so as if it is their ethical duty to do so.”

The antidote to the final stage of mass formation is that the minority who have seen through the illusion have a moral and ethical duty to tell the truth about what is happening so that others can hear it. This has an overall healing effect on the situation and keeps it from progressing to its worst extremes.

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The Sahara Desert Is SHRINKING As Plants Grow, Land Becomes More GREEN, Thanks to Rising CO2

11/22/23 – “An award-winning geologist and climate researcher at the University of Cologne in Germany says that climate fanatics who warn about the expansion of deserts due to global warming are lying.

“Dr. Stefan Kröpelin, who specializes in the study of the eastern Sahara Desert and its climatic history, has been active in the field over there for more than 40 years. He said in a recent interview that deserts like the Sahara are actually shrinking, meaning they are becoming greener with plants and vegetation.

“Going back as far as the late 1980s, rains have been spreading across northern Sudan and elsewhere in northern Africa. This has had the effect of greening the region and making the harsh Sahara Desert smaller than it once was.

"’The desert is shrinking,’ Dr. Kröpelin said in the interview. ‘It is not growing.’"

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Tucker Carlson – Always Trust Your Gut

As always, Tucker is focusing on reality. What is really happening? How do we really feel about it? What do we want to do about it?

It is very reassuring to know that he and others are speaking out for sanity to larger and larger audiences, because to remain ignorant at a time like this is like letting oneself fall asleep after having gotten a concussion – not a good idea.

“You know, most of our perceptions come from intuition rather than reason... The first thing I think that’s really important as you stare down the next twelve months is to accept the fact that all your senses are telling you the truth.”

“What we’re watching is not political. This is not politics. Politics is a human-conceived system whereby civilized people settle their differences without violence and by consensus…Nothing that is happening now, or that has happened in the past five or six years, can be explained through conventional political terms…If people do something for power I can understand it….that’s not what’s happening. What’s happening is bad behavior for its own sake…What you’re seeing is evil done for its own sake. Hurting people done for the sake of hurting people.

“And then there’s the question of lying.

“There have always been liars…But what we’re seeing now is very, very different. There are two things that make it different. The kinds of lies we’re hearing are not conventional lies…They’re the inversion of the truth.”

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Anti-Socialist Javier Milei Vows That ‘The Rebuilding Of Argentina Begins Today’, Calls For ‘Trump 2024′

11/20/23 – “Anti-socialists all over the world woke up a bit happier today after Argentina elected right-wing libertarian Javier Milei as its new president.

“Milei is pledging economic shock therapy. His plans include shutting the central bank, ditching the peso, and slashing spending, potentially painful reforms that resonated with voters angry at the economic malaise. -Reuters

“Milei: ’This is a historic night for Argentina. Thank you very much to everyone who came and made this possible. Thank you to the team that has been working for two years to transform Argentina and to achieve the miracle of having a liberal and libertarian president. Thank you very much.’”

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Lahaina Reopens and New Questions Arise - An Important Review by Greg Reese


There is a great deal of evidence that the Lahaina catastrophe was a directed energy attack. For those who wish to dismiss this understanding, please be patient enough to view the evidence, such as is presented here.

“Much like other recent fires such as Paradise, California, there have been several anomalies involving the recent fires in Maui. In the middle of an area untouched by fire, a random car with melted glass, and melted aluminum wheels.

“NORAD tracked CCP satellites directly above all three fires at the time of ignition. Many people are saying it’s Directed Energy Weapons, and we are not getting any answers from our criminal government.

“There is an area with just a few buildings that have been devastated by fire while everything surrounding them has been untouched. It is unclear as to how these random buildings caught fire. And there are cars in untouched areas that somehow completely burned out. With melted glass and aluminum.

“In one lot, the wood survived the fire, but everything else was turned into piles of ash. In many piles, this ash appears to have been metal.”

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Two Important Pieces from Elon’s Interview with Joe Rogan

"Twitter Was Completely Controlled By The Far Left"

11/1/23 – “Appearing on Joe Rogan’s podcast Tuesday, X owner Elon Musk laid out how Twitter was acting as an arm of the government before he took over, and was ‘completely controlled by the far-left.’

“’The degree to which Twitter was simply an arm of the government was not well understood by the public,’  Musk said, adding ‘…everything was like Pravda basically, a state publication, is the way to think of old Twitter. A state publication.’

“’There was basically oppression of any views that, even I would say, be considered middle-of-the-road,’ Musk continued, adding ‘certainly, anything on the right, and I’m not talking about far-right, I’m just talking mildly right.’

“’Republicans were suppressed at 10 times the rate of Democrats. That’s because old Twitter was fundamentally controlled by the far-left.’ Musk asserted.”

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How Soros 'Hijacked' US Cities without Changing Any Laws

"’Soros realized you don't actually need to change the laws - you just need to change how they're enforced - if nobody chooses to enforce the law - or the law’s differentially enforced - it's like changing the laws,’ Musk said. 

“This leaves with a new interview from one Maryland sheriff, just outside of crime-ridden Baltimore City, in Wicomico County, who drops a truth bomb about radical progressive lawmakers in the state, some of whom have likely been funded by Soros, who purposely fail to enforce law and order and only embolden criminal. 

"’I'm in my 40th year of law enforcement, and I have never ever seen it this bad,’ Sheriff Mike Lewis said.

“Lewis continued: ‘I've never seen a government so ingrained - and quite frankly complicit - in the criminal activity taking place in our nation.’" 

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Biden Regime Deploys Heavy Machinery to Lift Razor Wire for Massive Mob of Illegals at Rio Grande

Hey, whose side are they on!?

10/31/23 – “’Border Hawk’ cameras captured the moment Border Patrol used heavy machinery to raise concertina wire erected by Texas authorities – just as a group of more than 300 illegal aliens ‘coincidentally’ arrived in the area and stormed the river bank at Eagle Pass, TX.

“’This huge caravan of around 300 migrants crossed into Eagle Pass thanks to Border Patrol lifting the barbed wire. Hundreds of migrants crossed in a few minutes,’ Border Hawk correspondent Efraín González reports.

“Somehow, these large groups of migrants are informed about the place and time when the forklifts raise the barbed wire to cross in groups.”

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The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families Own the USA #BIS, IMF, and World Bank

10/30/23 - “Herland Report: Who owns the Federal Reserve? Read the story on the role of BIS, the World Bank and IMF in controlling world assets: They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome. Many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.”

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Catherine Austin Fitts Explains Land and Real Estate Stealing Tactics on Lahaina and Elsewhere

8/30/23 -”Catherine Austin Fitts is a legend who needs no introduction. She has an incredible amount of knowledge and experience, both as an investment banker and working in government, and then being prosecuted by the government (former Assistant Secy of Housing) for trying to uncover and fight corruption. She is currently the publisher of the Solari Report.

“I set up this conversation because I wanted to learn about the tactics that the criminal mafia posing as US federal and state governments are currently using against the people. We focus on the US, but many of my readers can probably recognize these tactics being applied all over the world. The goal of the criminal cabal is well advertised: 'save the planet, reduce carbon' by which they mean 'we need all the real assets and resources for ourselves, and fewer of you plebs around'.

“Below is a note from Catherine on the tactics the government typically uses to drive people off the land they want and into the “enclosures” they prepare for them. This approach has been used consistently, starting with the Native Americans, continuing with the poor Black and immigrant neighborhoods, and now into the middle class areas that billionaires desire.”

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Florida Surgeon General Tells Americans to NOT Cooperate With Mask Mandates

8/29/23 - “On social media, Ladapo blasted the Biden regime for trying to resurrect 'pandemic' tyranny just in time for the 2024 presidential election – the very same thing, in fact, that was pulled just before the 2020 presidential election.

"'What do you call re-imposing mask policies that have been proven ineffective or restarting lockdowns that are known to cause harm?' Ladapo asked. 'You don't call it sanity.'

"'These terrible policies only work with your cooperation. How about refusing to participate …?'"

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A Startling Compilation: 'Neither Safe Nor Effective'

8/25/23 - “A section of Dr. Colleen Huber’s introduction to her very important book, Neither Safe Nor Effective 2nd Edition: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines, is worth quoting before looking at the book as a whole:

“'Dr. Peter McCullough, an American cardiologist, called the COVID vaccines, ‘the worst pharmaceutical development idea in the history of mankind.’

“It often comes as a surprise to people that mRNA-type medical interventions and coronavirus vaccines had plenty of red flags through their history prior to December 2020. The ingredients used were already known to be toxic: Cationic lipids injure the nervous system, lungs and liver, as well as cell membranes throughout the body. Polyethylene glycol was never used for injections, due to safety concerns. mRNA had already been shown to change DNA. Previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines had all failed and killed the test animals. So inflicting the world’s population with a new, mostly untested vaccine for which its components already had so many safety warnings was the most widespread reckless experiment in human history.”

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Three Important Interviews With Dr. Jan Halper-hayes

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is an internationally recognized expert in strategic change and leadership. She is a Department of Defense Task Force Advisor working since 2015 with US military PsyOps leadership to assess the public's readiness to accept the military's public rollout.

We are publishing these interviews for their unusual candidness about what is going on that the general public is not aware of, including the fact that the US has been a corporation since 1871. Announcing this on mainstream British TV is huge.

If this level of information is new to you, please view these videos with a very open mind, as what is discussed is a very real movement that has been working for decades for the good of humanity. Dr. Jan is clearly a spokesperson helping to pave the way for the very big changes to come.

Predicting proper timing is critical, and effective messaging to the public will be the key. Military action is expected before the 2024 election.

Dr. Halper on GBN/Great Britain's News Channel, 8/6/23

Dr. Halper joined GBN’s Stephen Dixon and the show turned into a head-exploding conspiracy extravaganza. This clip from the British morning show is viral because such words were actually aired on mainstream media.

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Dr. Halper with David Rodriguez, 8/18/23, 37 minutes

Dr. Halper says there is a portion of the military that is on Trump’s side and has been biding their time, waiting for public awareness of the theft of the 2020 Election to grow to over 80% of the population so they can step in and announce martial law, suspending normal operations so things can be corrected.

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Dr. Halper with David Rodriguez and Juan O'Savin, 8/24/23, 24 minutes

It is only on the brink that people will find the will to change. We are close to this point now.

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Oklahoma Governor Issues Executive Order Defining Biological Sex

8/4/23 - “Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt became the first U.S. governor to issue an executive order legally defining what constitutes a biological male and female sex in a move to preserve women’s rights on Aug. 1.

“‘I am taking decisive executive action to ensure the true definition of the word 'woman,' meaning a biological woman, is what guides the state as we reaffirm our commitment to ensuring the safety, dignity, and sanctity of women across Oklahoma,’ a press release from Mr. Stitt’s office read.

“‘As long as I am governor, we will continue to protect women and ensure women-only spaces are reserved solely for biological women.’”

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Nobel Winner in Science Dr. John Clauser: There Is No Climate Crisis Threatening the Planet

7/15/23 – “2022 Nobel Laureate in Physics, John Clauser, lashed out at the science heretics who continue to push global warming and who 'threaten the well-being of billions of people.'

“Clauser criticized the prevalent climate models as being unreliable and not accounting for the dramatic temperature-stabilizing feedback of clouds, which he says is more than fifty times as powerful as the radiative forcing effect of CO2.

“In a statement issued by the CO2 coalition, Nobel Laureate John Clauser Elected to CO2 Coalition Board of Directors – CO2 Coalition Dr. Clauser said that 'there is no climate crisis and that increasing CO2 concentrations will benefit the world'

“He criticized the prevalent climate models as being unreliable and not accounting for the dramatic temperature-stabilizing feedback of clouds, which he says is more than fifty times as powerful as the radiative forcing effect of CO2.”

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The 2 Party System and the Dumbing Down of America – Greg Reese Reports


If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” - Thomas Jefferson, 1816

A revealing and most relevant synopsis in under six minutes of how the educational system of America was hijacked with intent to keep us ignorant and controlled. I love the way Greg is able to take such a complicated subject with so much material and simplify it beautifully.

“After seven years of violent revolution, our American founders were well aware that political factions were most often used to divide and conquer the people. And they knew that the Republic they created would only last as long as the people could remain educated.

“By the nineteen nineties, this globalist dumbing down system was perfected.

“Charlotte Iserbyt, author of 'The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America', has traced most of this agenda stemming from 'The Order of Skull and Bones' at Yale, through both Republicans and Democrats.

“The American people have been so thoroughly dumbed down that we think freedom is the ability to choose between two parties working for the same control system...But if we were an enlightened people, we could simply unite together as one and just say no to the tyrants.”

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bomb: Joe Biden Was Bribed and Paid Millions of Dollars to Have Ukrainian Prosecutor Investigating Burisma Fired

6/8/23 - “The Ukraine-Biden-bribery evidence was first presented to the FBI by a trusted, highly credible, well paid informant back in 2017.

“According to Marjorie Taylor Greene, the informant said the Burisma owner claimed to have two pieces of evidence showing proof of payment to Hunter and specifically Joe Biden.

“'He [Burisma owner] paid $5 million to one Biden and he paid $5 million to another Biden and it was all a bribery to get Shokin fired and end the investigation into Burisma,' MTG said.

“In 2018, Joe Biden was caught on video bragging about withholding $1 billion from Ukraine until they fired their Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.”

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There Was No Pandemic – Dr. Denis Rancourt's Testimony At National Citizens Inquiry Canada

June 2023

Interdisciplinary scientist and physicist, and former tenured Full Professor of physics and lead scientist, originally at the University of Ottawa, Rancourt brilliantly presents the conclusive findings about the “pandemic” and what actually caused excess mortality: government measures and vaccines.

I want to start by giving you my conclusions. I've been working on all-cause mortality and its analysis for more than three years, and I've written more than thirty reports about it, detailed scientific reports, some of them more than a hundred pages long...

“First of all, if governments had done nothing out of the ordinary, if they had not announced a pandemic, had not responded to a presumed pathogen, had done nothing other than what we normally do when we have a high season of mortality in the winter, then there would have been no excess mortality...That is a conclusion that I hold firmly from analyzing the data.

“So, in that sense there was no pandemic that caused excess mortality...There would have been no excess mortality beyond the historic trend.

“The second that the measures governments applied, which I would think of as an assault ...definitely and quantitatively caused excess mortality in many jurisdictions and at various times during the pandemic period. Very significant deaths.

“And the final point is that...the Covid-19 vaccination campaign itself, definitely caused excess mortality in definite peaks that are seen, that are directly associated with various vaccine rollouts of different doses to different age groups and different jurisdictions...There is no way to escape the conclusion that the vaccines definitely caused death in a significant number.

“In my view, this was an exercise in biowarfare. And the Russians have said it that plainly. They have talked about the biolabs that are in Ukraine that they have now taken and have all the data for and so on.”

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Denis Rancourt website

Tucker Carlson’s First Episode - “UFOs Are Actually Real”

New Twitter Show Garners Over 60 Million Views in Less Than 24 Hours 

With breath-taking precision, Tucker torpedoes the mainstream news lying machine...again.

6/7/23 - “In less than 24 hours, the episode has received over 59.6 million views, absolutely demolishing the 3.5 million audience of his former Fox News show.

“In journalism, curiosity is the gravest crime. Yesterday a former air-force officer, who worked for years in limitary intelligence, came forward as a whistleblower to claim that the US government has physical evidence of crashed non-human made aircraft – as well as the bodies of the pilots who flew those aircraft. The Pentagon has spent decades studying these other-worldly remains in order to build more technologically advanced weapons systems...

“In other words, UFOs are actually real, and apparently, so is extraterrestrial life. Now we know. In a normal country this news would qualify as a bombshell. The story of the millennia. But in our country it doesn't.... So if you're wondering why our country seems so dysfunctional, this is a big part of the reason: Nobody knows what's happening. A small group of people control access to all relevant information, and the rest of us don't know."

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Mel Gibson About To EXPOSE All Of Them | Redacted With Natali And Clayton Morris

Child Sex-Trafficking Is A 34 Billion Dollar A Year Business, And 800,000 Children In The US Alone Go Missing...


Kari Lake on Twitter: We talked about the tragedy at our border and the horrific child trafficking that’s happening the day this photo was taken. Mel Gibson’s heart and soul are in the right place. We are praying for you and rooting for you. God bless you Mel!

You will definitely want to watch this 17 minute presentation by ex-Fox newscaster and close friend of Tucker Carlson's, Clayton Morris.

Mel Gibson is supporting former CIA and DHS agent, Tim Ballard, who took off on his own to save kids from sex trafficking. Mel is producing a four-part documentary on this. This is very powerful stuff and a very good sign we are getting somewhere because of Mel's extraordinary clout.

Mel is not only a very popular actor, but he has directed powerful movies which have gotten him a lot of positive attention. Because he made the unbelievably successful “The Passion of the Christ”, he is in the hearts and minds of a huge number of Christians who will pay attention to his message. This will amount to a huge surge of force in the human and planetary field which will push things forward for Consciousness in the extreme.

Please watch and circulate this video about Mel’s documentary and Tim’s work to support the movement of consciousness in the world. It is this movement, not fighting against the cabal, that is bringing our new paradigm into play.

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Top 15 Remarkable Reasons That Indicate Global Warming Is a Hoax

5/25/23 - “The human impact on the earth’s temperature is believed to only account for 10% of all the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is highly unlikely that humans are having a massive negative impact on the stability of climate worldwide. Some of the revelations in this list include: computer models are programmed to assume that CO2 is the largest climate driver when the sun is really the major driver of the climate; the assumption that CO2 is a pollutant is completely false; global precipitation and crop production soar as the Earth gradually warms.

1. The climate of the earth is warming up rapidly

“If you look at the HadCRUT3 surface temperature index, which is based in the UK, records show warming to 1878, cooling to 1911, warming to 1941, cooling to 1964, warming to 1998 and cooling to 2011. The increase in temperature between 1964 was the same rate as recorded between 1911 to 1941. Numerous satellites, ground stations, and weather balloons show recorded cooling since 2001.

“The current warnings of a temperature increase of 0.6 degrees to 0.8 degrees are nothing irregular and fit into the natural rate of the warming recorded over the last few centuries.”

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Dr David Martin’s Recent Testimony Before EU Parliament About the History of Bioweapons Experiments Using Coronaviruses

Here’s the full video of Dr David Martin’s recent testimony before EU Parliament about the history of bioweapons experiments using coronaviruses going back as far as 1965 and how COVID is but the latest episode in the long, premeditated march towards the lockdowns and the forced injections that were deployed against humanity.

David cites a book entitled, Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases: Enabling Sustainable Capabilities Through Ongoing Public- and Private-Sector Partnerships: Workshop Summary.

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Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon Says COVID-19 Pandemic Never Really Happened As Was Claimed

5/19/23 - “Yeadon, formerly the chief scientific officer of allergy and respiratory at the New York-based drug giant, said he had spent a long time looking at what was going on in early 2020. He zeroed in on the PCR tests, the absurdity of the COVID-19 lockdowns, and the worries about the COVID-19 injections.

“For former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Mike Yeadon, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic never really happened:

There never was a viral pandemic of a novel pathogen. I don’t believe there has been a novel cause of significant illness and death, other than our government’s responses to the fake ‘pandemic,’ he said. The deaths that we saw, I’m afraid, were medical malpractice at best and murder at worst. Basically, we were lied to from the beginning.

They lied to us about absolutely everythingThey lied to us about the magnitude of the public health emergency which never existed. They lied to us about the necessity of having measures like lockdowns, mass testing, social distancing, masks and it goes on and on.

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Video Shows Maricopa County’s Fraudulent Signature Verification – Worker “Verifies” Signatures in LESS THAN 2 Seconds per Signature

Regarding the AZ Gubernatorial election of 2022 – More Crystal Clear Evidence...

5/16/23 - “The employee does not even appear to be looking at the signatures, but instead, clicking the mouse and accepting them at a rapid speed of close to one second each. This one individual verified almost 27,000 signatures in total.

“According to data from the County, nearly 240,000 ballots were signature verified in less than three seconds each.

“This is similar to findings in the stolen 2020 election. As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, due to the large volume of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election, the limited training of elections workers, and time restrictions, former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich determined that 206,648 early ballot signatures were verified on November 4, 2020, with an average time of 4.6 seconds per signature.”

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Kansas Becomes 1st State to Pass Law Defining Gender as a Person’s Sex at Birth

5/1/23 - “Kansas has become the first state to adopt a definition of gender with the passage of legislation that keeps men, no matter what gender they identify as, out of women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, and other intimate spaces.

“It also separates inmates and restricts participation in sports according to one’s sex at birth.

“It also defines gender words calling for 'woman' and 'girl' to be used to refer to human females and 'man' and 'boy' to refer to human males. It defines 'mother' as a parent of the female sex and 'father' as a parent of the male sex.”

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Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning 'Hostile Foreign Nations' From Buying Farmland

4/29/23 - “The Texas state senate passed legislation this week banning the purchase of farmland by citizens and entities linked to hostile foreign nations, a move which the author of the bill says will provide 'sweeping state and national security protections.'

"'This bill protects Texas farmland, oil and gas, rare earth materials and timber from being owned by foreign entities classified as hostile by the Director of U.S. National Intelligence for three consecutive reports. These nations currently include China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran,' wrote Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R) following the passage of her legislation by a vote of 19-12 in the state Senate on April 26.”

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Chemical Farming & the Loss of Human Health - Dr. Zach Bush and After Skool

Zach Bush, MD is triple board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is the founder of Seraphic Group, an organization devoted to developing root-cause solutions for human and ecological health in the sectors of big farming, big pharma, and Western Medicine at large.

This very well-presented and detailed scientific presentation exposes the deleterious human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and pesticide reliance -- while simultaneously offering a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices.

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Tucker Carlson's “Farewell” Speech – A State Of The Union Address Of His Own

In classically piercing comic style, Tucker demolishes the trend of destructive cancel culture and wokeism by calling it what it is - “irrational” and “evil”. When people don't bother to determine what they are doing something for and just act irrationally, they are neither benefiting society, nor operating within the framework of politics or debate for positive change:

4/25/23 - “When people...decide that the goal is to destroy things, destruction for its own sake, ‘Hey, let's tear it down!,” what you're watching is not a political movement. It's evil.’

“I don't think we're watching a debate over how to get to the best outcome...If you have people who are saying, ‘I have an idea! Let's castrate the next generation! Let's sexually mutilate children,’ I'm sorry, that's not a political debate...What's the outcome we're desiring here?...I don't think anyone could defend that as a positive outcome... If you say, ‘I think abortion is always bad, or I think sometimes it's necessary,’ that's a debate I'm familiar with. But if you're telling me that abortion is a positive good, what are you saying? Well, you're arguing for child sacrifice.”

Truth is a positive force you can feel and use:

“…the second you decide to tell the truth about something, you are filled with this...power from somewhere else... The more you tell the truth the stronger you become... And of course the opposite is also true. The more you lie the weaker and more terrified you become.”

Go to 27 minute Full Speech

Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bomb on Biden Crime Family – Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections To Human Trafficking of Prostitutes From US, Russia, Ukraine

4/18/23 - “According to Marjorie Taylor Greene, the House Oversight Committee has evidence the entire Biden Crime Family was involved in human trafficking that involves prostitutes from Russia, Ukraine and the US.”

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Two Important Pieces By Dr. Ron Paul

There Has Been a Coup in America; it Began With the CIA Murder of JFK

4/12/23 - “Former presidential candidate, congressman and medical doctor Ron Paul appeared on the Tim Pool podcast this week and made some bold statements about the state of country.

“Paul called out the numerous current members of Congress who have no knowledge of or loyalty to the U.S. Constitution.

“'…we don’t have any resemblance to a government that believes in a Republic, we don’t have honest money, we don’t have integrity,'

“'…there has been a coup...and anybody could pick probably any date in the last 100 years, but I have picked November 22nd 1963,” Paul continued. “That was the day Kennedy was murdered by our government, you know by the CIA.'”

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Peace is Breaking Out in the Middle East…and Washington is Not Happy!

4/10/23 - “While we were being distracted by the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war – and Washington’s increasing involvement in the war – tremendous developments in the Middle East have all but ended decades of US meddling in the region. 

“Take, for example, the recent mending of relations between Saudi Arabia and formerly bitter adversaries Iran and Syria. A China-brokered deal between the Saudis and Iran has them re-establishing full diplomatic relations, with the foreign ministers of both countries meeting in Beijing last week. It is the highest level meeting between the two countries in seven years.”

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How the Banks Work and Why They Are Collapsing

4/8/23 - The sordid history of the criminal banking cartel - another succinct history lesson from Greg Reese.

Few of us know how the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel was established, how it has been run, and for what purpose. This five minute video explains why each of our dollars hasn’t been worth a hundred cents in a hundred years. The system was designed to implode, which is what is happening now. This is opening the way for the return of real money, asset-backed, and many states are now implementing this in one form or another. See some of our recent articles below here for what they are doing.

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Three Congressmen Introduce Gold Standard Bill to Stabilize the Dollar's Value

4/4/23 - “Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) - joined by Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) – introduced H.R. 2435, the 'Gold Standard Restoration Act,' to facilitate the repegging of the volatile Federal Reserve note to a fixed weight of gold bullion.

“'A gold standard would protect against Washington's irresponsible spending habits and the creation of money out of thin air,' said Rep. Mooney in a statement.

“'Prices would be shaped by economics rather than the instincts of bureaucrats. No longer would American families, businesses, and the economy as a whole be at the mercy of the Federal Reserve and reckless Washington spenders.'”

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It may be challenging to read an article like this because of social conditioning. But this material is straight out of the American Revolutionary mind, a modern evolution of the understanding that we are created sovereign beings and that that is our natural and most healthy state.

3/29/23 - “Anarchy doesn’t mean 'No Rules'; it specifically means 'No Rulers,' but because the organized crime 'Rulers' don’t want the public to know there is an option on the menu called 'No Rulers,' they have used their weaponized media and propaganda system to change the meaning of the word: 'No Rulers' to mean: Chaos and Dystopia.

“The weaponized media propaganda system would have you believe that Anarchy is something to be feared because without 'Gubernare Mente'/ Government, there would be Mad Max chaos and murder in the streets. The reality is that Anarchy is a philosophy of peace where most anarchists believe in the NonAggression Principal, where initiating violence is illegitimate except in self-defense or protection of property.”

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Texas Proposes Gold and Silver as Legal Tender That Will Weaken the Federal Reserve’s Monopoly

3/19/23 - “Two bills under consideration in Texas propose restoring sound money and enforcing the US Constitution’s monetary provisions that could weaken the grip by the Federal Reserve. If enacted, SB 1558 would officially recognize gold and silver coins as legal tender and eliminate capital-gains taxes on gold and silver — thus bringing Texas closer to constitutional compliance and treating gold and silver as money. HB 4305 would require the Texas comptroller to establish gold and silver reserves, thus reducing its dependence on the federal government.

“These bills are important steps toward nullifying the unconstitutional Federal Reserve, which has a monopoly on money, and will help Texas avoid the federal government’s plans to impose Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC).”

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The "Censorship-Industrial-Complex" Has Been Called Out – The End Is Near For Those Factions That Would Suppress Truth...

Locked-Away In 'Conspiracy Theorist' Camps: The Orwellian Dystopia Of The "Censorship-Industrial-Complex" -by CJ Hopkins

3/11/23 - “Yesterday, I hallucinated that Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified before a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives about the Censorship Industrial Complex, i.e., the US arm of the global official propaganda and disinformation apparatus that has been waging an all-out war on dissent for the better part of the last six years....And now, here I am, celebrating Matt and Shellenberger’s testimony yesterday...

“'We learned Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other companies developed a formal system for taking in moderation ‘requests’ from every corner of government: the FBI, DHS, HHS, DOD, the Global Engagement Center at State, even the CIA. For every government agency scanning Twitter, there were perhaps 20 quasi-private entities doing the same, including Stanford’s Election Integrity Project, Newsguard, the Global Disinformation Index, and others, many taxpayer-funded.'” -Matt Taibbi's statement to Congress

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3/10/223 - One minute video excerpt of Michael Schellenberger, testifying before Congress.

American author and former public relations professional whose writing has focused on the intersection of politics and the environment, Schellenberger describes the coordination between social media, corporate media & the Federal Government.

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The Bulk of This Population Has Been Rendered Mentally Harmless By the Elimination of Individuality

3/10/23 -by Gary D. Barnett

“Many wonder why things are as they are today, why unique and sovereign individuals gather in large groups en masse, (as one) why they seek and embrace the herd mentality, and why they demand a dominate government, when this behavior can only lead to a loss of identity and an elimination of all critical thought. This does not happen due to a lack of intellect, it does not happen because of any intentional desire for one to destroy his own free will, it is the result of purposeful long-term planning on the part of the ruling class, and the voluntary acceptance of dependency by the masses. 

“…no large-scale reform is ever going to work to repair our damaged children and our damaged society until we force open the idea of “school” to include family as the main engine of education. If we use schooling to break children away from parents — and make no mistake, that has been the central function of schools since John Cotton announced it as the purpose of the Bay Colony schools in 1650 and Horace Mann announced it as the purpose of Massachusetts schools in 1850 — we’re going to continue to have the horror show we have right now.”

-John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling

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Pluto's Effects On Our Global Financial And Social Structures Now

The most important astrological event of the year, and one of the most powerful of our times in general, is Pluto's transit into the sign Aquarius, beginning March 23rd. This movement bodes extremely well for those working on global change for humanitarian purposes, as Pluto is the “nuker” of all entrenched institutions, and Aquarius is the sign of the People.

This event ensures that the globalist structures holding all the wealth and power apart from humanity will crumble into the dust of time and make way, like winter does for spring, for a truly new age of sovereignty, peace, and planetary well-being.

Here, we present an array of articles from astrologers to explain the details...

Pluto in Aquarius – the Next Five Years by Jessica Adams

“A year ago, I predicted that the end of Pluto in Capricorn would be the end of the handful of rich white men at the top. As CNN reported recently, in the worst 12 months since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis – 2022 was the year their stocks and shares plunged.

“We can’t really talk about Pluto in Aquarius (people power, shared between men and women) without talking about the end of Pluto in Capricorn. You are watching it collapse, slowly, backwards – from March 23rd 2023.”

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Pluto in Aquarius: Global, Transformative, and Progressive by

“In our astrological cosmos, Pluto is the most distant planet from life on Earth. It is the horizon between worlds, between life and death, between what has been and what will be. He rules over the processes that take us from one cycle to the next, and brings significant, deep transformation to our lives. “

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What Pluto's Transit on March 23 Means for Your Zodiac Sign by Emily Newhouse

“Thursday marks the first time this tiny planet has changed signs in decades. How will this astrological event impact you?”

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Pluto In Aquarius 2023 - 2044: Liberty, Equality + Fraternity by Pippa Kate

“Aquarius is the sign of the rebel, the innovator and the iconoclast. It is a sign that is concerned with the good of humanity - not just of the individual. It calls for us to create anew from a place where we remove the restrictions of old convention...It believes in creating from scratch, and not with putting up with the restrictions which stop the progress particularly on behalf of the collective. Pluto entering Aquarius brings with it a calling - Power to the People. Or as the French Revolutionaries would say - Liberty (freedom), Egalite (equality), Fraternity (brotherhood).”

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Pluto in Aquarius: 2023 – 2044 by Rose Marcus, Jeffrey Wolf Green School of Evolutionary Astrology

“Pluto’s 248-year journey around the sun defines the chapters of world history...Since 2008, Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, a cardinal or activation archetype, has been swinging the wrecking ball on systems, structures, and consciousness that have outworn their utility. Capricorn correlates to time and time spans, to the aging process, mortality, and to the limits of reality. In the works to 2024, Pluto in Capricorn accelerates the process of bringing an era to a close while simultaneously building a new framework.”

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January 6th: The ‘Deadly Insurrection’ That Never Happened. “We Were Lied To.”

Take Your Choice Of Article Or Video To Understand What Really Happened…

Tucker Carlson Shows Evidence That Capital Policeman Sicknick Was Healthy and Walking Around After Being Accused of Being Murdered

3/7/23 - “'Protesters inside the Capitol weren’t destroying the Capitol – they, for the most part, showed reverence for the Capitol.

“'Americans were for the most part peaceful, but the media reported over and over the same loops of violent images.

“'Over and over the Democrats said it was an insurrection.'”

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"They Lied To Us All": Tucker Exposes January 6 Fraud And Kangaroo-Court Cover-Up

3/8/23 - “On Monday night, Fox News' Tucker Carlson dropped unseen footage from the January 6, 2021 Capitol protest which revealed that the entire Democrat / RINO / MSM narrative underpinning the event was a complete lie.”

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3/1/23 - A most illuminating and necessary history lesson for our times from Greg Reese...

“Starting in 1763, to pay for debts incurred from a war with France, the British began enforcing new taxes on the American Colonies. In response to this, the Colonies set up their own parallel government, based on a simple structure of three committees delegated to voice the will of the people...And the most important of the three, a Committee of Safety, to act as general executive in the absence of legal authority.

“The three-committee structure that made up this parallel government inspired our US constitution, a concept of government based upon delegation. Individuals were not elected to rule; their only purpose was to facilitate and implement the will of the people.

“Each state was considered to be its own country, which was freely subordinating aspects of its own authority to a federal government. Lawfully speaking, this has never changed, but the federal government of the United States has become bloated with loyalists to the city of London, and enemies of we the people. For well over a century, we the people have been coerced into becoming voluntary slaves to a multi-national corporate power structure.

“By continually contracting with the corporate US being operated out of the Washington DC city-state, Americans are perpetually surrendering their Constitutional sovereignty in return for corporate benefits. We share a common enemy with our founding fathers. Today we call them 'globalists', back then they called them British, a foreign power exploiting the will and destiny of Americans. And back then, their remedy was the Committee of Safety.”

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Absolutely leveling presentation by Dr. Sam Bailey, who destroys the entire covid and virus 'theory' false narrative, and outlines its relationship to the gross medical fraud of the last century that has kept humanity in mental chains.

2/27/23 - “Dr. Sam Bailey, MD, and her colleagues believe that the virus and germ theory have been completely dismantled and...that the freedom community has only partially woken up to the propaganda about the COVID ‘virus’ that has dominated the media for three years.

“She said that the latest sting video from Project Veritas featuring Dr. Jordan Walker exposing Pfizer for trying to create new viruses in order to profit from new vaccines through ‘directed evolution’ was more propaganda.

“The gain of function narrative has been used to gaslight people who know that there is something wrong with the official story. The purpose of promoting the virus theory is to gain power over people through masks, vaccines, surveillance and vaccine passports.”

Go to Video Go to Dr. Sam’s site

2/16/23 - “'This is a historical misconception that, in a sense, has been weaponized or used against us – us being the people of the world — to our detriment.

“'…the virus theory, which is a subset of the whole germ theory, is a basic component of a worldview that is a domination worldview — that was espoused by such people as the Rockefeller medicine cabal.

“'...unless we get rid of this misconception and this whole domination worldview...we cannot live the lives that humans were meant to live and create the world that we know we can create — because it’s based on a worldview which is a) wrong, and b) toxic.

“'We’re heading towards a kind of voluntary freedom society... which maybe we’ve never seen before. And these old ways of thinking, they just have to go.'”

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Idaho Legislature Passes Bill to Move Idaho-Oregon Border to Include Large Swath of Eastern Oregon

2/15/23 - “11 eastern Oregon counties have already voted in favor of joining Idaho. Due to this success, Idaho state lawmakers have introduced legislation to begin discussions with the Oregon State Legislature on relocating the Idaho/Oregon state boundary.

“A Republican State Senator in Oregon introduced a bill to start talks with Idaho last month.

“The ‘Greater Idaho’ bill, which would move the Oregon-Idaho border to include a large swath of Eastern Oregon, has passed the Idaho House of Representatives. The bill authorizes Idaho legislators to begin talks with Oregon about relocating the state line.”

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What Fauci Knew About Vaccine Ineffectiveness... And When

February 9, 2023 - “What if Anthony Fauci co-authored an article on vaccines that would have gotten you and I blocked and banned at any point in the last three years?

“That just happened.

“His article in Cell - 'Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses’ - says it as plainly as possible: the COVID vaccine did not work because it could not work.

“Vaccines are not suitable for coronaviruses.”

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SECRETS OF THE UN: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, International Investigative Lawyer, Interviews Calin Georgescu, Former Executive Director of the UN Global Sustainable Index Institute

2/1/23 - “Senior expert in sustainable development within the UN system for nearly 20 years, Georgescu was a former executive director of the United Nations Global Sustainable Index Institute in Geneva (2015-2016). He previously served as President of the European Research Centre (ERCIS) for the Club of Rome (2013–2015), of which he is also member.”

Reiner: "What you're saying is that the UN is now indistinguishable from the World Economic Forum, or Davos, in short, because it is being controlled by the same ideas and the same oligarchs. And the World Economic Forum in turn creates their leaders who are then going to be elected by us through their Young Global Leaders program."

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President Trump’s Response to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address

“Here’s the real state of the union. Over the past two years, under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our southern border. Drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from smuggling poison to kill our people and to kill our children… Biden and the radical democrats have wasted trillions of dollars and caused the worst inflation in half a century… the typical American family is paying $2,200 in increased energy and food costs each year… he’s the most corrupt president in American history.

“But the good news is we are going to reverse every single crisis, calamity, and disaster that Joe Biden has created. I am running for president to end the destruction of our country and to complete the unfinished business of making America great again.” Go to Video

The Great Dropout: Why 1.4 Million Children Left Public Schools in 2020 and Where They Went

1/19/23 - “Over a million children left public schools in 2020, a migration that came on the heels of school lockdowns and masking requirements, and was hastened by increased parental dissatisfaction with K-12 education ... The decline may be closer to 2 million, according to a report by Education Next showing that traditional public school enrollment as a percentage of all school enrollment declined sharply between 2020 and 2022.”

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International Crimes Investigative Committee - Fear & Loathing of the Emperor's new clothes

January 18, 2023 - In this episode of ICIC, Reiner Fuellmich and his guests, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, Internist and Author, Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst, and Samuel Eckert, Entrepreneur and initiator of the Isolate Truth Fund, discuss the "science" as well as the psychological aspects behind our current health crisis including faulty or non-existent scientific studies, profit-driven narratives and the aggressive scare tactics which created a global mass psychosis.”

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Landmark Lawsuit Slaps Legacy Media with Antitrust, First Amendment Claims For Censoring COVID-Related Content

1/10/23 - “A lawsuit filed today by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and multiple other plaintiffs, alleges the Trusted News Initiative, a self-described ‘industry partnership’ launched in March 2020 by several of the world’s largest news organizations, partnered with Big Tech firms to collectively censor online news.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft Join Together with Several Others in Antitrust Lawsuit Against Legacy Media for Efforts to Exclude Rivals from Internet Platforms

January 11, 2023 - “World-renowned attorney joins trusted online news sources, medical professionals, independent journalists and media outlets to address collusion among behemoth media conglomerates to silence smaller publishing competitors in violation of antitrust and free speech laws.”

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International Crimes Investigative Committee - Reiner Fuellmich & Hans Tolzin on the Shady History of Virology: Have Viruses Ever Been Isolated or Purified?

January 9, 2023 - “In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and medical journalist Hans Tolzin explore the history virology, the studies upon which modern science relies, and
the alleged "evidence" supporting the existence of invisible and dangerous viruses.

Hans Tolzin details the medical historical background of virology starting with the first trials and publications by scientists at the beginning of the 20th century. He reveals serious gaps in field research and points out that there are numerous significant insufficiencies that have never (officially) been pursued or corrected, such as the gross neglect of differential diagnosis.

It is not only the virus theory that gives rise to major criticism. The apparent lack of care and ignorance in professional circles is also worrying. For it is on these assumptions that organizations and institutions are based which are responsible for the health of the world's population, which propagate medicines, therapies and vaccinations, and which people blindly trust and believe.”

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Milestones 2022

International Crimes Investigative Committee - Legal options in Canada: class action lawsuit in British Columbia

December 15, 2022 - “In this first episode of ‘Impromptu’ , Dr. Fuellmich talks with Kip Warner of Vancouver, British Columbia, about a pending class action lawsuit filed against the provincial health commissioner and the B.C. Crown challenging the "declaration of a state of emergency."

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A Change of plan…

At this point in time, due to the internal politics of the group members, Reiner Fuellmich separated from the original body he created, The Corona Investigative Committee, and established The International Crimes Investigative Committee. Realizing that the justice systems of the world were so completely corrupt that there was no chance of getting justice there, he began to redirect his attention more to education. Go to ICIC

Corona Investigative Committee - judicial approach to the Corona scandal

August 6, 2022 - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer – Update on Actual Trials for Crimes Against Humanity: “Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer join us for an update on the Grand Jury to discuss the progress on an actual trial and enforcement for judgement of crimes against humanity.” Go to Update

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The International Criminal Grand Jury Investigation: Peoples’ Court of Opinion - An international coalition of lawyers and judges convened a hearing to prosecute the “crimes against humanity” perpetrated by governments who used the COVID-19 pandemic as the pretext.

Grand Jury Day 1: Go to Video

Grand Jury Day 2: The Historical and Geo-Political Background of the Corona Pandemic. Go to Video

Grand Jury Day 3: The PCR Test. Go to Video

November 2021 Update - “Our hearings prove the following results, beyond a reasonable doubt: The Corona measures were never about health. We don’t have a pandemic. We have a virus circulating that any intact human immune system can fight just as well as the flu and this is true whether the virus occurred naturally or was created in a lab. Apart from that there are very good methods of treatment to prevent or treat this disease.”

Continued …

The Flower Hill decision establishes an important legal basis for denying small cell applications for towns and cities in Connecticut, New York and Vermont.

“In a landmark legal decision in July of 2022, Judge Frederic Block, Senior United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York, found that the Village of Flower Hill, NY, was justified in denying the application of ExteNet (acting as an agent for Verizon Wireless) to place 18 small cell antennas in the Village.

”The Judge quoted from the 1996 Telecommunications Act, citing the provision that: nothing in this chapter shall limit or affect the authority of a State or local government or instrumentality thereof over decisions regarding the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities."

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Inclusion, Wokeness, and Davos 2022

May 23, 2022 - “Has there ever been a time when good things have been so twisted into their opposite? This is not about love or inclusion. This is shallow virtue signaling by people who have been swallowed up by a political machine designed to turn cultural norms upside down, not for the purpose of bringing needed change, but for the purpose of creating chaos and a loss of rationality, after which new supposed norms can just be lifted into place …

Everyone is welcome in virtue-signaling countries, corporations, and institutions except those who choose not to accept a medical intervention also never heard of before in human history — that of altering the human genome on the pretext of defeating a virus. In other words, everyone is welcome except those who have chosen not to go insane. The insanity is called wokeness. Wokeness is nothing but a tool being used to effect a very ugly and very ambitious power grab. When the job is done, everyone duped into thinking they were fighting for the victims of oppression and equality for all will be swatted away like flies. Read More

The Hunter Biden Probe

May 25, 2022 - Hunter Biden Laptop Researcher Reveals New Details: “Recent reports suggest emails from that laptop show Hunter helped an infection disease research company with bioweapons projects in Ukraine. One America’s Stefan Kleinhenz caught up with a leading researcher of Hunter’s laptop and his business dealings for more insight.”

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Why Vote? It’s Not Time to Give Up; It’s Time to Show Up!

“Have you heard the story of Leicester, England, where citizens rallied against smallpox mandates in the mid-1800s? They flipped the seats of their local government and became a stronghold against England’s one-size-fits-all 1867 Vaccination Act for 60 years until the law was repealed in 1948! The Act required all parents to present their babies for vaccination, or otherwise face fines, seizures of property, or imprisonment. It resulted in thousands of prosecutions of noncompliant parents.” Read More

Vladimir Putin ‘Empire of Lies’ - Full Speech

February 24, 2022 - Go to Video and Transcript

February 28, 2022 - Geopolitics and the Biolabs Theory by Joseph P. Farrell: Go to Article

March 1, 2022 - Ron Paul - It All Comes Back to NATO: Go to Article

March 3, 2022 - Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is tied to Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, and other global elites: Go to Article

March 6, 2022 - What Is REALLY Happening In Russia/UKRAINE [MSM Not Telling You The Truth] Go to Article

March 7, 2022 - ON THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE CRISIS: A Message from Abp. Viganò, Former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S.: Go to Article

March 7, 2022 - Ron Paul: Is Putin the New Coronavirus?: Go to Article

March 9, 2022 - Tucker Carlson Tonight: The Pentagon is lying about bio labs in Ukraine: Go to Article

March 9, 2022 - Ukraine and the Deeper Global Suicide Agenda: Go to Article

March 12, 2022 - Russia, China, Brazil, India Call for Investigation Into US Biolabs in Ukraine Representing About Half of the World’s Population Go to Article

Covid-19 Resources: Medical, Legal, Forms, Jobs & Other Critical Information

“To better guide your search for information on all things related to Covid-19, a list of resources has been compiled for each of the following categories: Medical, Legal, Forms & Letters, Jobs, Alternative Resources, and Critical Information on the Bigger Agenda.” Go to Resources

State Government Policies About Vaccine Requirements (Vaccine Passports) - “Twenty states have banned proof-of-vaccination requirements. All 20 states - Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming …” Read More

A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board: “While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has nevertheless emerged.” Read More

Globalists Are Intent On Mandating Digital IDs. Here’s How You Can Fight Back - Go to Article

Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned & With Purpose

September 30, 2020 - “A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: 

‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’

This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on 500,000 copies every weekto inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media. They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up and several millions actually showed up.”

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Modern Medicine: A Castle Built on Sand?

March 31, 2022 - “Stanford scientist John P. A. Ioannidis published a study in 2005 proving that most published research findings are false.

In his final paper, the notorious British biologist Harold Hillman claimed that “cell biology is in dire straits”. That paper was published in 2011 and summarizes his life’s work which began in the 1970s. He warned biologists and cell physiologists that something is seriously wrong with their ideas about the human body.

In the 1970s this cytologist and neurobiologist began questioning mainstream cell biology and presented evidence that the accepted model of the cell was completely wrong. He suggested that the dire straits of cell biology was the reason medical research has failed to determine the cause and provide the cure for most diseases.

“During a research career lasting more than 50 years, I have concluded that the following procedures are unsuitable for studying the biology of living cells in intact animals and plants: subcellular fractionation; histology; histochemistry; electron microscopy; binding studies; use of ligands; immunocytochemistry; tissue slices; disruptive techniques; dehydration; deep freezing; freeze-drying; boiling; use of extracellular markers; receptor studies; patch clamp measurements; inadequate calibrations. The main objections to these procedures are: (i) they change the properties of the tissues being studied grossly and significantly; (ii) they ignore the second law of thermodynamics;(iii) they produce artefacts, many of which are two-dimensional; (iv) adequate control procedures have never been published for them.” ~ Dr. Harold Hillman

After Retrieving His Truck, Convoy Member Shares Message

February 28, 2022 - Message for the World: “Stop wearing those masks. And no more distance between you. Hug each other and love each other.” Go to Video

Canadian PM Trudeau’s actions against truckers exposed Great Reset plan for entire world

February 25, 2022 - “Opposing the prime minister’s unprecedented power grab are the premiers of Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Quebec. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney pointed out that the nation already has “all the legal tools and operational resources required to maintain order,” and that “no relevant additional powers of resources” can be granted by the Act.” Read More

Ontario Premier, Doug Ford: ‘This is about, a democracy and freedoms and liberties’ Ontario is canceling their vaccine passports

February 16, 2022 - “We also know that it doesn’t matter if you have one shot or 10 shots, you can catch COVID. See, the Prime Minister, he has triple shots and I know hundreds of people with three shots that caught COVID. We just have to be careful. We gotta always make sure we wash our hands and, and move forward…

“And there’s every single person, including myself, knows people that are unvaccinated, you know? Sure. There’s the rabble-rousers and then there’s just hardworking people that just don’t believe in it. And, and that’s their choice.

“This is about, again, a democracy and freedoms and liberties,” he continued. “And I hate, as a government telling anyone what to do…

“Everyone’s done with this. Like we are done with it … the world’s done with it. Let’s just move forward.” Go to Video

Rogan and Malone: Most Important Interview of Our Time?

“Something monumentally important happened in the closing days of 2021.

Joe Rogan, host of the widely viewed “Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, interviewed one of the world’s most qualified and unbiased individuals about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines now deployed upon nearly 4 billion human beings.

On Dec. 30, 2021, Malone and Rogan sat down in Rogan’s studio in Austin, Texas, and recorded a riveting three-hour conversation.” Read More

Go to Interview and Full Transcript

Congressman Troy E. Nehls (R-TX-22) “entered the transcript of the Joe Rogan Experience #1757 – Interview with Dr. Robert Malone, MD into the Congressional Record after Twitter and YouTube removed the interview from their platforms. Dr. Malone is a widely published mRNA vaccine expert who went on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast to raise concerns over the COVID-19 vaccine. Twitter’s move to deplatform Dr. Malone and remove the interview from their site is the latest in a string of censuring individuals who dissent against the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine mandates.

“By deplatforming Dr. Robert Malone for voicing opposition and removing the interview, Twitter and YouTube are once again proving that they don’t work for their users but for big Pharma, big media, and the elites,” said Congressman Nehls. “When we stray away from our core principles of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of debate, democracy is lost. Today, I entered the transcript of the Joe Rogan Experience #1757 into the Congressional Record to preserve the podcast forever. Big Tech may be able to censor information on their own platforms, but they cannot censor the Congressional Record.” 

Go to PDF Full Transcript

Mass Formation Psychosis

“What the heck happened to Germany in the 20s and 30s? Very intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad. And how did that happen?” asked Malone.

“The answer is mass formation psychosis.”

“When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere,” he added.” Read More

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Message for Freedom and Hope -

Robert Kennedy Jr.

“When I spoke a few weeks ago in Berlin, I reminded the people of Germany of a very famous story that happened during the Nuremberg Trials after World War II, when Hitler's closest lieutnant and the head of the Luftwaffe, Herman Goering, was asked by one of the prosecutors, "How did you get the German people - the German people are the most educated people” Read More

Dr. David Martin: Who “They” Are: “The Names & Faces of the People Who Are Killing Humanity”

January 2022 - “There is a slide in this presentation which is the ‘they’ … I am standing for the future of this country and I am standing for the future of humanity … This is a criminal conspiracy of domestic terror.” Go to Video Go to Transcript

July 11, 2021 - Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich: There Is NO Variant, Not Novel, No Pandemic - “David makes a tight case, backed by mountainous evidence that COVID-19 wasn’t a lab leak. It is a US bioweapon, as is the so-called vaccine. The primary motive is money.

Everything David says can be used in a court of law and is backed by over 20 years of research, patent filings and FOIA documents, including Anthony Fauci’s recently-released emails. David does not speculate about anything. He doesn’t get into any ulterior motives beyond what he has seen in official or verified documents. What he can definitively prove is that COVID-19 is a financially-motivated scam more than 20 years in the making.” Read More

Dr. Steve Pieczenick Calls For The Arrest Of Traitors To America

October 23, 2021 - “Dr. Steve Pieczenik, joins Kristi Leigh to expose the tyranny of the globalist agenda and explain why now is the time for the people to rise up and arrest the enemies of America.” Go to Interview

November 1, 2016 - Dr. Steve Pieczenick: The Intelligence Committee Initiated a Counter Coup Through Julian Assage and Wikileaks - “Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a psychiatrist, with a PhD focus on international relations, who served four presidents as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and was a Senior Policy Planner under President Regan, “announced a Second American Revolution with a soft coup takeover of Hillary and Bill Clinton.”

Continued …

The Gateway Pundit Announces: AMERICAN GULAG – The Informational Website on the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners

September 17, 2021 - “The Gateway Pundit is pleased to announce its unveiling of an informational site about the more than six hundred and thirty (630) people Joe Biden continues to imprison and persecute, largely for entering a public building on January 6, 2021.  

The overwhelming majority of Biden’s January 6th political prisoners are peaceful patriots, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters and brothers whose crime was walking into a public building to protest.  The emerging totalitarian uniparty decided to weaponize the Department of Injustice and persecute Donald Trump/America First/anti-oligarchy supporters.”

Go to Website

The Miracle in Alberta, Canada

“Has Alberta, Canada, just shown us the way out of the Covid restrictions? Was a little known court case the cause of their dramatic change in direction and the driving force behind their refreshing bout of sanity?

We will never know for sure, but I find it hard to believe that Alberta would have all but eliminated their Covid restrictions when they did, were it not for one man fighting an extraordinary court battle in the shadows.

It’s VITAL to note something here, the fact the virus has not been isolated means it cannot be shown to exist in a court of law. Courts do not deal in reality, they never have. They deal in what can be shown to be true within the walls of that court room. In truth they deal in fiction all the time, all kinds of things that aren’t true are treated as if they are, all kinds of things which ARE true are treated as if they aren’t. What matters here is whether they can prove the existence of this thing called Covid 19 within the court room!Read More

Patrick King Court Case in July 2021 - Patrick represented himself in a Canadian court case that persuaded the Alberta provincial government to end its Covid 19 restrictions. Go to Video

Alberta Covid Case has Government Back Down, End Mandatory Restrictions - The only news report out so far is Reuters. I’d like to look at one aspect of their story in a little detail to tease out what Reuters may be up to.” Read More

CALGARY, Alberta, July 28 (Reuters) - “Chief medical officer Deena Hinshaw told a news conference the province needs to scale back the focus on COVID-19 so resources can be deployed to tackle other respiratory illnesses that are likely to climb in the fall.” Source

VAXXED II: The People’s Truth Film

August 14, 2021 - Free online streaming at CHD Live of The People’s Truth is the sequel to VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, the film that revealed the suppression of inconvenient truth in science and served as a harbinger of what was to come. The debut of this film, originally scheduled to screen at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2016, exposed the depths of damage control used to preserve “vaccine confidence” and the lengths regulatory authorities, mainstream media and others would go to limit public discourse. Read More

April 2016 - 'Vaxxed' Movie Banned From Film Festival: “Whatever your side of the story is, this is about censorship and every Houstonian has a right to see that movie," protester Catherine Masha said. "It's not up to the mayor to make that decision." Read More

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Rudolf Steiner on the Question of Vaccinations

“Dr. Douglas Gabriel gives a presentation on the subject, followed by a comprehensive post on the indications Rudolf Steiner made about vaccinations … Illness is big business in America. Doctors, hospitals, drugs companies, and medical insurance companies combined make over 1.5 trillion per year in America alone. This is approximately 5% of the total GDP of America that goes to Big Med, Big Pharma, and Big Hospitals. This industry depends on sick clients … CDC members own 56 patents connected to vaccinations … The CDC’s patents and vaccines are exempt from prosecution … As you can see, it would not take a medical degree to know that these substances [ingredients found in vaccines] are dangerous for human consumption, let alone injection into the human bloodstream. One can only imagine that health is not the goal of these vaccines, and then the question arises: Why are “they” poisoning people with vaccines?”

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